vendredi 3 octobre 2014

#Gabon: Ali Bongo Ondimba at the workplaces of university hospitals

Inquire about the status of rehabilitation, extension and construction of university hospitals, it was the purpose of the field visit last Tuesday by President Ali Bongo Ondimba .

The materialization of the health development plan with the establishment of specialized health facilities throughout the country is becoming more and more shape. To realize this reality, the President of the Republic, Ali Bongo Ondimba began yesterday, a visit to sites who in turn took him to the Hospital of Libreville, that of Jeanne Ebori then Owendo.

Libreville Hospital Centre: second phase carried out at 85%

The Centre Hospitalier de Libreville, the second phase began last year, the President of the Republic had come to realize that the work is more than 85% of their execution.

It is an annex building to emergencies that stands on a basement and an R +3 building. This extension of the hospital must receive several services, including: radiology, intensive care, operating theaters and hospital.

The first patients will be welcomed 2015.
Hospital Jeanne Ebori: reconstruction of the new building being

Specializing in the treatment of mother and child diseases, reconstruction of the new Hospital Jeanne Ebori started.

Covering an area of ​​22 500m ², with a central building R + 4, then the outlying buildings, the home of the hospital capacity is 200 beds.

Hospital Owendo: terminally ill!

Owendo University Hospital is meanwhile specialized in the field of traumatology. This architectural gem, presented to the President of the Republic, reaches its terminal phase. He has the face of a hospital structure able to respond quickly to the needs of patients.

CHU Owendo is built on an area of ​​15,450 square meters and has a capacity of 120 beds. The different services: imaging, pediatrics, emergency, trauma, maternity and functional rehabilitation all have technological equipment of last generation.
Recognizing this, the Head of State showed his satisfaction while stressing the importance it places on the quality of work and delivery of these projects on time.
Note that achieving health development plan incorporates the vision of the human investment strategy that recommends giving the largest share of investment to improve the living conditions of populations.


jeudi 2 octobre 2014

#Gabon:Directorate of Presidential Communications - Gabon



                                         ECONOMIC GROWTH IN GABON

                                       SERVING THE INNOVATIVE YOUTH

Libreville, October 2, 2014 - The National incubator for startups (Gabil), a real accelerator employment-generating projects, was opened in Libreville on 1 October 2014 Achievement of guidance provided by the President of the Republic at Document delivery of national youth policy of Gabon in February 2013, the Gabon Business Innovation Lab. is a major asset for the implementation of human capital strategy, in line with the private sector, associations and international expertise.

With a projected growth rate of 8.5% in 2015 and boost private investment estimated 12.9% growth, the economic dynamics of Gabon should fertilize hopes enterprising young and new entrepreneurs determined to take their share of success in national development.

"The future of Africa depends on the ability of youth to innovate and undertake" received loud the message Ali Bongo finds its materialization in the opening - sequenced in the last quarter in 2014 - the first multi-sectoral support to the creation of income-generating enterprises structure. By mid-October, accompanying Likouala sessions will be organized on the site which also houses the coordination unit of the Grand Prix of Excellence.

Convinced that "investing in youth is the one with the highest performance in terms of development because it is the human capital," the President of the Republic has ceased to engage the energies of public and private to meet the expectations expressed at the national Youth Forum in September 2011 illustration of this successful ambition, the incubator combines the resources of the state, which provides a fully renovated and equipped with computer and office equipment building expertise JA Gabon, a member of Junior Achievement Worldwide global network, which has been designated as the exclusive operator of Gabil and the expected contribution of private enterprises in the context of CSR requirements (societal responsibility).

Engaged from the beginning in the foreshadowing of a national incubator, a pioneer in the promotion of entrepreneurship among young people, APJA retains its essential functions prescribers for greater economic integration and fully supports the directive of the President of the Republic to ensure the credibility of the incubation program as part of an international technical partnership.

A comprehensive strategy for attractiveness and employment -action 53 PSGE "Promoting Entrepreneurship" - is in place at national level, which aggregates the partnership with the World Bank through the Project Investment Promotion and competitiveness (PPIC) and the tasks of the new national agency for international investment.

Synergistic alliance for a fairer distribution of the fruits of growth, human investment strategy is at the heart of the proposed Gabonese and Gabon Ali Bongo Ondimba Social Pact. "You have to trust your potential. You must believe in your ability to achieve your dreams. "

Are you young?

Have an idea?

Have an incubator!

NDLR -A incubator is a support structure for setting up a business that can go from the initial idea to implementation and consolidation of a structured project. The support includes a focus on entrepreneurship education, connecting partners, modalities and research funding, targeting the market and the development of the economic model.


mercredi 1 octobre 2014

#Gabon: Oil New seismic studies to


The oil services group CGG has just won a contract for a major program offshore multi-client with the Gabonese authorities.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum intends to acquire reliable data. To this end, it has signed an exclusive agreement with the French oil services CGG to study the seismic data from nearly 50,000 km2 of territorial waters. It is, in any case, it heralds a statement the group released on 29 September. This program consists of the acquisition and processing of 35,000 sq km of 3D data over the last BroadSeisTM deepwater blocks available and allocated off Gabon as well as 9,900 km2 of 2D data in very deep waters. "The first phase covering nearly 24,000 km2 start in the fourth quarter and is expected to last about 7mois" said CGG in a statement.

2 3D seismic vessels premium will be dedicated to this project. The depth imaging of seismic data will be conducted by CGG Crawley center in the UK. "This exclusive agreement follows the support provided by CGG to DGH in 2009 for the recovery of deep water offshore Gabon. This new program is designed to image the pre-salt geology of Gabon through the 3D seismic recording low-frequency BroadSeis, our solution broadband frequencies. This will also enable the oil companies to reduce the risk associated with this promising new area and promote the development of the country "resources exploration, said CEO Jean-Georges Malcor CGG.

                                                                Gabonreview September 30, 2014

#Gabon: Wood processing in Gabon encouraging figures


Libreville - The weekly press conference of Spokesman of the Presidency of the Republic of Gabon Alain Claude bile By Nze, was deported this time September 18, 2014, in the industrial complex of the National Timber Company of Gabon (SNBG ), where the company has built three modern factories after the log export decreed November 5, 2009 arrest by the authorities.

Alain Claude bile By Nze noted Thursday during a press conference he hosted at usinier complex SNBG, healthy timber industry in Gabon as references, higher turnover 100 billion in 2010 to 350 billion CFA francs in 2013.

According to him, there has been an increase in the number of companies in the sector from 95 in 2010 to 129 in 2013, which, moreover, "have a high propensity to export their products, which sells the label Gabon abroad, through the quality of products they offer on the international market. "Locally, Mr. bile By Nze said the gradual development of a Demand for our joinery, planing and press against tackles.

The contribution of the timber industry in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gabon passes for its 0.9% in 2009 to 2.3% in 2013.

"This part of the timber industry in the national wealth should experience an improvement in part because of actions taken by the government in tax, customs and processing concerning the conversion of economic operators," said Alain Claude bile By Nze stressing that employment of Gabon in the sector increased from 4,095 in 2010 to 7,090 in 2013 to a growth rate of 86, 56%.

On the National Timber Company of Gabon, the Spokesman of the Presidency extolled its "industrialization plan 2010" validated following the ban on log exports, the sole activity of the company since its creation.

Since then, the company has built an industrial complex of 12 hectares in Owendo to "make better use of the raw material by grouping on the same site three processing plants with a total production capacity of 250,000 m3 per year," making of it a pillar of 'industrial Gabon' as much as the 'Gabon green' because 'SNBG has so far about 500,000 ha of forests under sustainable management, "said Alain Claude bile by Nze.

Note that SNBG decided voluntarily, since January 2014, not only to include all of its activities in a sustainable development process through better management of its forest resources, but also of sustainable waste management.

Socially, Alain Claude bile Nze noted the current 465 employees SNBG against 144 for the former company. A figure that will increase, he said, to 535 employees by the end of the year and applies only to direct employment.

                                                                                     Wednesday, October 1, 2014 | Infos Gabon

lundi 29 septembre 2014

#Gabon: Gabon for collective solutions to global challenges


President Ali Bongo Ondimba said that Gabon is engaged in research on coping with current challenges collective solutions for a better world, in his speech from the podium of the General Debate of the General Assembly of Nations united.

This large mass of heads of state and government members of the UN organization, is involved in a serious context, with the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), such as: climate, CAR, Mali, Sudan South, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Western Sahara, Cuba, terrorism with the threat of Boko Haram, suspected Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, the fight against poaching, UN reform and rights rights.
Giving the position of Gabon on these issues, Ali Bongo Ondimba was naturally pleased that the UN session discusses the development and implementation of a carrier development program for change after 2015 "My country is delighted that African priorities, including the eradication of extreme poverty, promoting sustainable agriculture, industrialization, environmental protection, figure prominently in this report. and remember that , Gabon has entered the process of the development agenda post-2015, as part of the implementation of the strategic plan Gabon Emergent.
It devotes a large competitive factors, namely the formation of human capital, construction and upgrading of infrastructure digital development and increased energy capacity. IT also has a political, economic and social environment, where good governance; further stated the President of the Republic Ali Bongo Ondimba, has made the fight against corruption a priority.
Climate, the Head of State reiterated the continued commitment of Gabon given the seriousness of the problem.
About the crises and conflicts in many countries, the Gabonese President welcomed about CAR, effective implementation of the UN force (MINUSCA), which took over the MISCA. It supports the peace process, not without support mediation efforts by the Bourkina Faso, Algeria, and Morocco, for achieving a lasting peace.

                                                                    by Ali Bongo Ondimba to Gabon 29 september 2014

#Gabon: World Bank grants 33 billion FCFA to encourage the employment of young Gabonese


Zouera Youssoufou, representative of the World Bank in Gabon has announced a grant of FCFA 33 billion intended to promote employment and training of young Gabonese.

The issue of youth employment was central to the meeting between the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, Simon Ntoutoume Emane and a delegation from the World Bank (WB) conducted by Zouera Youssoufou, representing the institution in Gabon .

At this meeting, Zouera Youssoufou announced the award by the World Bank for a grant of 33 billion CFA francs to help the government to increase the supply of vocational training in the sector of the economy through creation of new training and restructuring of existing training institutions.

"It will develop entrepreneurship among young people who want to start their own business, to accompany them in the process of starting a business and thus promote the emergence of a new generation of creators micro perennial -Companies "said Abdel Wedoud Kamil, project manager in the World Bank.

The Bank-financed project has three pillars, namely:

- The extension of the training offer,

- Developing skills in growth sectors,

- The training and integration of more than 3,000 young Gabonese dropouts ranging in age between 16 and 25 years.

For the Minister of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training, the contribution of international financial institutions is beneficial.

"The readiness of the World Bank's starting the project to train young people is welcome. All these actions fall within the scope of the National Strategy for Human Investment break down social differences, "said Minister of Labour.

                                                                                                Gaboneco, 26-09-2014

#Gabon: Ali Bongo will be in Ivory Coast in November


Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba announced a visit in November in Côte d'Ivoire, following a meeting with President Alassane Dramane Ouattara in the USA, during the Summit of the General Assembly of the United Nations

The visit of the Head of State of Gabon in Abidjan will fall within the framework of strengthening bilateral relations between Gabon and Côte d'Ivoire, particularly in the area of economic and trade exchanges, underlines the Gabonese press.

Bilateral relations between the two countries are doing well.

                                                                                                  Source: "OI", 28-09-2014

#Gabon: Ali Bongo Ondimba with gabonese community in New York


NEW YORK (AGP) - Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba, met last Friday the Gabonese community in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the United States of America, on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations

The initiative Gabonese New York, mainly consist of students, engineers and traders, was a success.

Accompanied by the First Lady of Gabon, Sylvia Bongo Ondimba, ministers Emmanuel Issoze Ngondet (Foreign Affairs), Nelson Messone Christmas (Forests and Environment) and Blaise Louembé (Sport), the head of state has seized the moment this meeting to build on his fellow policy emergence being implemented in Gabon.

The reforms, he has said, are beginning to bear fruit. Probably alluding to the measure, among other things, ban the export of timber in log form; measure that allowed the creation of several processing units, with, the key, creating jobs and wealth. Similarly, medical coverage for the benefit of all sections of the Gabonese population has become a reality, with the work of the National Health Insurance Fund and Social Security (CNAMGS), etc.

Ali Bongo Ondimba also stressed its willingness to invest more in the area of education and training where reforms have been initiated, particularly in terms of the award of scholarships, the aim is to ensure more of Justice, among others.

In a friendly atmosphere, the Head of State called on his countrymen to be Ambassadors of Gabon wherever they are, through responsible with, and investing in education and other activities. Everyone should have at heart the interests of the good image of Gabon, already shining on the rest of the world. The head of state also stressed the government's determination to ensure good governance, the concern is the efficiency of expenditure and public financial management, among others. Finally, the Head of State urged his countrymen to cultivate in them an atmosphere of peace, understanding and harmony, inviting them also to put aside any spirit of backbiting, easy criticism, all etc.ôté spirit of backbiting, easy criticism, etc.

Earlier, the President of the Gabonese community in New York, Bernard Oyama, welcomed the creation of a Ministry of Gabonese abroad.

Note that shortly before the reunion of the evening, Ali Bongo Ondimba has co-chaired with Germany, a high-level meeting on poaching, at the United Nations in the wake of the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations. A meeting during which the two countries, Gabon and Germany, in particular expressed their determination to fight against poaching.

                                                                           Agence Gabonaise de Presse 28-09-2014

vendredi 26 septembre 2014

#Gabon: Housing, better late than never


Among the promises of the most attractive countryside of the President of the Republic, Ali Bongo Ondimba in 2009, there was one in particular to offer cheaper Gabonese decent housing.

Among the promises of the most attractive countryside of the President of the Republic, Ali Bongo Ondimba in 2009, there was one in particular to offer cheaper Gabonese decent housing. But in the early years of his teaching is not a secret that almost nothing was done on the ground and the Gabonese, turlupinés by the deficit of housing and high rents were already beginning to recover involved speech and presidential promise. This attitude of the citizen is understandable, particularly in the tropics where political discourse often involves those who listen.

Each time thing. There is a time to sow, a time to reap, a time to laugh, a time to cry. A time to design projects, a time to execute. Do not be fooled, the art of managing the city or they will not escape this principle. For proof, returning to the issue of social housing, we note with satisfaction the launch of sites in the north of Libreville, particularly in the town Akanda at BIKELE at Mekambo and other localities. The president of the republic, has visited it a few days ago some of these sites, to finger the progress of the work. This is not an easy task in view of the delay in the home for over 50 years, but the political will is tangible and the head of state is decided to offer his countrymen cheaper and affordable housing to all exchanges.

Similarly, the government has launched the marketing of the first built by the state housing available. 'The priority is given to first-time buyers in the interests of fairness and social justice'. Also, the repayment term mortgages rose from 15 to 20 years, with less than 10% interest rate. A device for securing funding for access to housing for low-income Gabon has also been set up. 'Better late than never,' 'says the proverb.

But do not forget, it is the responsibility of every citizen to build his own house. The state should simply facilitate access to land, especially in large urban centers.

                                                                                 Ogooue Infos (OI), 24 September 2014

#Gabon: Gabon: the mechanization of agriculture in question


FAO and the Government of Gabon in Libreville recently organized a workshop on the issue of mechanization of farm work in Gabon.

One solution to the intensification of food crops in Gabon necessarily lies in mechanization of farm work. But how to get there, what are the constraints, facilities and issues? The FAO experts and officials of the Gabonese authorities dealing with these issues have tried for two days to respond by examining the diagnostic reports already made in the framework of the national strategy for the development of agriculture.

According to experts of the Gabonese Ministry of Agriculture, the mechanization of farm work is expected to probably reduce drudgery, increase farmlands and boost production. What constitutes an adequate response in particular to the problem of food imports and the high cost of living costs.

Nevertheless, the Gabonese government is supported not only by the FAO but also by other partners develop, for the realization of the government's desire to achieve in a few years to further mechanization of agricultural work. All major agricultural countries have been there.

                                                                 b      Ogooue Infos (OI), 24 September 2014

#Gabon: General Debate of the United Nations: the business environment seen by Ali Bongo


In his speech at the general debate of the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations, September 25, the President said that transparency, the formation of a skilled workforce, building modern infrastructure and access to digital and energy are prerequisites for investment and hence economic development.

Speaking on 25 September, during the general debate opened yesterday as part of the 69th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the President wished to draw the attention of his peers on several issues compared with the involvement of the international community in security, and health issues related to diet.

Calling for the diversification of the economic base, Ali Bongo said he was "deeply convinced that to give a solid foundation for our post-2015 agenda, we need to shape our economic environment so that transparency guide the allocation of public contracts and permit the return on investment, but also respect for the obligations of economic operators vis-à-vis the state. ".

According to him, the goal now is to "enhance employability to provide a skilled workforce in the labor market work and accelerate the integration of young people into the workforce." For, he has argued, that "in the short term (the Gabon plans) to make additional efforts in education and training in order to improve the performance of the basic education system." A more legitimate ambition that human capital formation, construction and upgrading of infrastructure, including the development of digital technology and the increase in energy capacity, are key competitive factors. Or has he supported "the strategy implemented by the Gabon aims to accelerate the structural transformation of its economy by the way, in the near future, a cash economy to an economy of industries and services with high added value. "

Wanting pragmatic and carrying a holistic vision, the president addressed the issue of food security, suggesting that either now established a "link between human rights and sustainable development." For him, the establishment of institutional instruments such as the National Council of good governance and the National Commission for the fight against illicit enrichment (CNLCEI) part of this logic. "All (our) efforts can truly thrive in a political, economic and social environment where good governance," he argued, acknowledging in passing that more needs to be done, particularly in terms of involvement of national and local PME in the implementation of public policies related to food security. "The development of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, including food security, continues to receive sustained attention from my government," he said.

On a completely different note, Ali Bongo said he was concerned about "serious threats to peace and international security" that the nations of the world face for several years, he felt that "never has the terrorist threat as strong as in recent times, jeopardizing the survival of the institutions of the countries affected by this terrible phenomenon. ""In Africa, activism Boko Haram pushes entire populations to live away from their original homes in terror, insecurity and despair," said he regretted, adding, "There are point of religious terrorism. There are point of fundamentalist terrorism. Terrorism must be fought with fierce determination, because we can not tolerate violent extremism. We must do everything so that terrorism does not give credit to any idea of ​​a struggle of civilizations or religions. (...) To meet the security challenge it represents, we need to strengthen the operational capacity of our defense forces and security in accordance with the spirit of the Global Counter-United Nations ". In the process, he heckled assistance on the health situation on the continent, emphasizing the emergence of Ebola virus in West Africa and the threat it poses to other African countries, especially those where tensions are still visible as the Central African Republic, Mali and south Sudan.

                                                                               Gabonreview, September 26, 2014

#Gabon Haro on the indebtedness of public officials


Meeting within the Council of Ministers on 19 September, the government decided to removing withholding to protect state employees against the debt spiral.

The purchasing power of the average Gabonese seem to worry the government. Thus, in its meeting of September 19, the Cabinet decided to "suppression of withholding taxes (to) protect state officials against excessive debt which is likely to destroy all the efforts to improve the purchasing power of Gabon. "Accordingly, the government will begin formulating a "plan to restructure the banking and financial system of the state.

But what is it exactly? To understand this measure, it must be remembered that the "tax is the amount withheld at source by the creditor of a person while the latter owes a third. The person responsible for withholding, recovering such payment to the creditor of the debtor. So is there any dues to social security funds or compulsory health insurance are deducted at source by the employer on the remuneration of its employees. "In everyday reality, the tax results in levies paid by merchants and other credit agencies, who do not hesitate to increase by 4 to 5 times the cost of public employees' bank accounts. A practice that has left many agents in the vicious cycle of debt. There are even some who are no longer able to receive a good salary at month end. Others have come to mortgage more than 60% of their income.

According to a study conducted by the management of the balance, 29,524 employees are indebted while 2,660 are in debt beyond the norm. The study also revealed that 49.95% of indebted servants are part of the forces of defense and security, 21.66% are carried to the Ministry of Education and 6.48% are in service to the Department of Health. Among those who were taking more than 60% of monthly income, the officers of the defense forces and security account for 43% and the Department of Justice 57%. "Young official, I undertook to furnish my studio. So I was contacted a Lebanese merchant who had been presented to me and I chose: stereo, TV and VCD, wardrobe, bed and mattress. I do not deny that for 3 years I was not able to fully pay the debt. The guy took its money directly to pay and I could do nothing. I worked all the time as if I was still unemployed. Because I did not have e crumbs that do not even allow me to pay my taxi, "said one official. "This decision will ensure that people support themselves and plan their lives," he says. "The state will no longer collect money at source from the salaries of officers for the reserve for credit institutions. With the banking operation launched by the Ministry of the Budget, it is the agent of the state to deal directly with the bank to pay its debts, "says, Apollinaire Moukila Maka, Communication Advisor to the Minister of Budget . Meanwhile, the backlog of borrowed money owed by state agents will be donated.

                                                                           Friday, September 26, 2014, Gabonreview