lundi 29 septembre 2014

#Gabon: World Bank grants 33 billion FCFA to encourage the employment of young Gabonese


Zouera Youssoufou, representative of the World Bank in Gabon has announced a grant of FCFA 33 billion intended to promote employment and training of young Gabonese.

The issue of youth employment was central to the meeting between the Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, Simon Ntoutoume Emane and a delegation from the World Bank (WB) conducted by Zouera Youssoufou, representing the institution in Gabon .

At this meeting, Zouera Youssoufou announced the award by the World Bank for a grant of 33 billion CFA francs to help the government to increase the supply of vocational training in the sector of the economy through creation of new training and restructuring of existing training institutions.

"It will develop entrepreneurship among young people who want to start their own business, to accompany them in the process of starting a business and thus promote the emergence of a new generation of creators micro perennial -Companies "said Abdel Wedoud Kamil, project manager in the World Bank.

The Bank-financed project has three pillars, namely:

- The extension of the training offer,

- Developing skills in growth sectors,

- The training and integration of more than 3,000 young Gabonese dropouts ranging in age between 16 and 25 years.

For the Minister of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training, the contribution of international financial institutions is beneficial.

"The readiness of the World Bank's starting the project to train young people is welcome. All these actions fall within the scope of the National Strategy for Human Investment break down social differences, "said Minister of Labour.

                                                                                                Gaboneco, 26-09-2014

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