mardi 23 septembre 2014

#Gabon: Agreement World Bank-Gabon for two new vocational training centers


Fruit of the Gabon / World Bank cooperation, these learning institutions, specialized in new technologies of information and communication, and construction / public works, will be respectively installed Akanda and Nkok.

Resident Representative of the World Bank in Gabon visited the Minister of Labour, Employment and Training professionnelle.Zouera Youssoufou intended to discuss the provision of training and skills development in growth sectors. "The objective of this component is to help the government increase the supply of vocational training in sectors of the economy with high potential for growth and jobs through the creation of new training-induced demand and by restructuring existing training institutions, "the statement said with these components. In practice, this should result in the creation of two new schools in the areas of new technologies of information and communication (ICT) and construction and public works (BTP). "The project will provide support to institutions both in terms of equipment, training of trainers, upgrade curriculum in the development of a business model based on partnership with the private sector," says the note.

It is noted that this support will be an open to all training institutions competitive basis. For this, a manual of procedures, guidelines for preparation of projects will be developed and made available to schools and training will be conducted. A committee of public-private joint selection will be established to conduct evaluations of the projects presented and approve those that correspond to pre-developed criteria. After this selection work, contracts will be signed with the selected project will support the activities selected institutions.

In terms of improving the employability of youth integration and the promotion of entrepreneurship in conjunction with the private sector, this part of the project aims to promote non-formal training devices and enter the job primarily for non-school dropouts youth, as well as programs to improve the transition from school to work for young graduates and development initiatives of entrepreneurship. It will focus on the dual apprenticeship program and programs outsourced training and integration for school dropouts and out of school, program integration work placements for young graduates, device-demand training companies / sectors and training in entrepreneurship and support for young people with micro.

During this meeting Hamoud Abdel Wedoud Kamil, project reaffirmed the guidelines of the World Bank and the desire to give a boost to the effective implementation of the project. In this perspective, it is urgent, he has reported to reconfigure the Project Steering Committee whose leadership up to the department in charge of Training and integrate the Patronage there, as well as civil society.

The Project would like the Government to take measures to initiate, as soon as possible, the various studies and validation of environmental studies and publication in the official gazette.

In response, Simon Ntoutoume Emane commended the mission of the World Bank for the promptness it clear from the start of this project. He then recalled the various reforms in the field of vocational training. All of these shares, he said, fall within the scope of the human National Investment Strategy and are a strong impact in reducing the social divide.

There will be two new training centers including one in the town Akanda and the other in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Nkok. One will be active in the fields of ICT and the other dedicated to the construction trades.

                                                               Tuesday, September 23, 2014 | Gabonreview

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